FachPack 2024
September 24 - 26 | Nuremberg

Sustainability made by SÜDPACK

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the FachPack 2024! You can find us in Hall 4 at Booth 4-220.

FACHPACK 2024 is making a clear statement with its commitment to “Transition in Packaging!”. The packaging industry is changing. This change is both a challenge and an opportunity – an opportunity to develop new sustainable products and business models. SÜDPACK is actively shaping change in the packaging industry toward a circular economy. We are using this year’s FACHPACK as a platform for presenting our innovations in sustainability.

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Sustainability made by SÜDPACK

Sustainable product design  

Our products make it easier to achieve a circular economy and to reduce the carbon footprint along the entire value chain. Recyclable films and packagings are an important building block for fulfilling modern requirements when it comes to ambitious recycling rates. At FachPack, we will be advising you on our sustainable packaging solutions. 

Sustainability services 

We use EcoTrace, our life cycle assessment tool, to analyze the environmental impact of your products over their entire life cycle. This gives you an end-to-end evaluation of your packaging solution. Our tailor-made eco-balances take into account various system boundaries and end-of-life options. On request, we can have our eco-balances verified.

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Sustainable business models 

We support the circular economy by investing in effective recycling technologies that keep all plastics we produce inside the loop. This saves fossil raw materials. With our mechanical and chemical recycling capacities, we help our customers to close their material loops.  

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At SÜDPACK, we are aware of the impacts of our business activities on the environment. Carbon emissions are generated in all five phases – supply chain, production, logistics, use phase, and end of life of our products. We want to keep the negative impacts of these emissions as low as possible.

Which is why in our 2030 Sustainability Strategy, we defined a series of measures and initiatives which aim to reduce harmful emissions in accordance with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We will be pleased to give you a closer look at this at our booth.  

Our presentations


FachPack exhibitor forum INNOVATIONBOX

Talk by Valeska Haux, Vice President Strategic Marketing & Sustainability
Closed-loop models for flexible food packagings – SÜDPACK use cases

25 September, 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Hall 2 | Booths 2-208 and 2-210


FachPack expert forum PACKBOX “Europe and the Circular Economy”

Talk by Valeska Haux, Vice President Strategic Marketing & Sustainability
Chemical recycling as a key component of a circular plastics industry

25 September, 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Hall 4 | Booth 4-209

Future made by SÜDPACK

This year, SÜDPACK is celebrating its 60th anniversary. We draw on an impressive corporate history and are proud to have established our company as a leading manufacturer of flexible packaging. Sustainability is part of our DNA and we see our company as a pioneer in a circular industry. 

Dive into the history of SÜDPACK at the FACHPACK 2024. At the same time, step into a sustainable future with us!